姓名:李 榕
(1) 2006-09至2011-06, 永利, 钢铁冶金, 博士
(2) 2006-09至2009-12, 法国里尔科技大学, 分子与凝聚态,博士
(3) 2003-09至2006-06, 永利, 钢铁冶金, 硕士
(4) 1999-09至2003-06, 永利, 钢铁冶金, 学士
(1) 2020-03至现在, 永利, 永利, 副研究员
(2) 2011-09至2020-02, 永利, 纳米科学与技术中心, 讲师
(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 联合基金重点项目, 超疏水/难水化镁钙质耐火材料制备及其高温服役性能强化研究;
(2) 航天材料及工艺研究所,耐2500-3000℃超高温陶瓷体系材料计算设计与验证;
(3) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 51702206, SOEC阴极原位脱溶纳米Ru催化常压合成氨气及机理研究;
(1) Sunyi Shen; Shaolei Song*; Jinming Wang; Rong Li *; Xingchao Li; Qiang Zhen*; Anisotropic binary TiB2-SiC composite powders: Synthesis and microwave absorption properties, Ceramics International, 2022, 48: 8579-8588
(2) Xingchao Li; Tong Zhang; Chen Chen; Shaolei Song*; Sunyi Shen; Guanzhong He; Zheng Li; Rong Li*; Qiang Zhen*; Sajid Bashir; Jingbo Louise Liu; Preparation of TiB2-SiC composites toughened with interlocking microstructure by self-assembled TiB2 plates, Ceramics International, 2022, 48: 5119-5129
(3) Guanzhong He; Xiaomeng Liu; Rong Li *; Dong Zhai; Yi Liu; Chen Xie; Pengfei Hu; Qiang Zhen *; Sajid Bashir; Jingbo Liu *; Silver-modified Ba1–xCo0.7Fe0.2Nb0.1O3− perovskite performing as a cathodic catalyst of intermediatetemperature solid oxide fuel cells, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(8): 9421-9433.
(4) Shaolei Song; Chen Xie; Rong Li *; Songlin Ran; Pengfei Hu; Qiang Zhen*; Jingbo Liu; Sajid Bashir; Atomic-scale investigation on the growth behavior of rod shape ZrB2, Ceramics International, 2019, 45(17, Part B): 23849-23852.
(5) Shaolei Song; Tong Zhang; Chen Xie; Jianmin Zhou; Rong Li *; Qiang Zhen*; Growth behavior of TiB2 hexagonal plates prepared via a molten‐salt-mediated carbothermal reduction, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2019, 103(2): 719-723
姓名:李 榕
(1) 2006-09至2011-06, 永利, 钢铁冶金, 博士
(2) 2006-09至2009-12, 法国里尔科技大学, 分子与凝聚态,博士
(3) 2003-09至2006-06, 永利, 钢铁冶金, 硕士
(4) 1999-09至2003-06, 永利, 钢铁冶金, 学士
(1) 2020-03至现在, 永利, 永利, 副研究员
(2) 2011-09至2020-02, 永利, 纳米科学与技术中心, 讲师
(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 联合基金重点项目, 超疏水/难水化镁钙质耐火材料制备及其高温服役性能强化研究;
(2) 航天材料及工艺研究所,耐2500-3000℃超高温陶瓷体系材料计算设计与验证;
(3) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 51702206, SOEC阴极原位脱溶纳米Ru催化常压合成氨气及机理研究;
(1) Sunyi Shen; Shaolei Song*; Jinming Wang; Rong Li *; Xingchao Li; Qiang Zhen*; Anisotropic binary TiB2-SiC composite powders: Synthesis and microwave absorption properties, Ceramics International, 2022, 48: 8579-8588
(2) Xingchao Li; Tong Zhang; Chen Chen; Shaolei Song*; Sunyi Shen; Guanzhong He; Zheng Li; Rong Li*; Qiang Zhen*; Sajid Bashir; Jingbo Louise Liu; Preparation of TiB2-SiC composites toughened with interlocking microstructure by self-assembled TiB2 plates, Ceramics International, 2022, 48: 5119-5129
(3) Guanzhong He; Xiaomeng Liu; Rong Li *; Dong Zhai; Yi Liu; Chen Xie; Pengfei Hu; Qiang Zhen *; Sajid Bashir; Jingbo Liu *; Silver-modified Ba1–xCo0.7Fe0.2Nb0.1O3− perovskite performing as a cathodic catalyst of intermediatetemperature solid oxide fuel cells, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(8): 9421-9433.
(4) Shaolei Song; Chen Xie; Rong Li *; Songlin Ran; Pengfei Hu; Qiang Zhen*; Jingbo Liu; Sajid Bashir; Atomic-scale investigation on the growth behavior of rod shape ZrB2, Ceramics International, 2019, 45(17, Part B): 23849-23852.
(5) Shaolei Song; Tong Zhang; Chen Xie; Jianmin Zhou; Rong Li *; Qiang Zhen*; Growth behavior of TiB2 hexagonal plates prepared via a molten‐salt-mediated carbothermal reduction, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2019, 103(2): 719-723